Friday, February 17, 2012

I should not miss him but I do......!! :( :( :(

Read the relevant part here!

Reyansh claims that I am the one, after Yashri with whom he has shared everything...

I want to believe this but I can't.
It is more like I miss him all the time but he misses me only during lonely times.

It hurts when I call him up and he disconnects my call and texts me back----> "I am with friends.TTUL"...

Can't he talk even 2 minutes when he is with friends?

I am only an option in his life,I guess...

An option when no one's around, a secret sharer when everyone else is busy and just an ONLINE FRIEND!!

I am always there for him whenever he needs me,but when I need to talk to him - he is with FRIENDS!!!

I don't think being online friends comes with any such "conditions apply" warnings...Friends are friends..

I have better online friends than Reyansh,but somehow I keep going back to him inspite of knowing he cares only when no one else's around...

I met my best friend too ONLINE so I don't think it has anything to do with "online-offline" thing...

It is more about how he WANTS to treat me-How special I am or How special I am NOT...

It is more about just "SAYING" and "CLAIMING" to be good friends...and not about PROVING or SHOWING it...

Hmm..I think I should let Reyansh be on his own and sort out his priorities and have a straightforward conversation with him regarding this RATHER than blogging about it.

I should do the same too.. Even I need to decide what he means to me. Am I considering someone who considers me an option, my PRIORITY?

I need to introspect and ask myself whether I should walk away on being ignored like this or WAIT to be INSULTED...

I guess No!!! I should not be waiting for the day I get insulted ... and walk away MYSELF, taking into consideration the hints Reyansh has already given me lot many times...

I don't think I would be another "YASHRI" for him ...'cause Reyansh and my relationship has no place in HIS blog posts, his poems, his stories, his facebook updates OR EVEN HIS LIFE...

Reyansh-Yashri were well known among all the bloggers...But me and Reyansh??

I hardly matter to Reyansh...
Inspite of not being in "LOVE" with Yashri, she was all over his blog,once upon a time.People still read those posts ... BUT ME? Reyansh has nothing to write for *ME AND HIM*...

I should not be writing this but I have...
I should not be missing him but I do...
:( :( :( Or perhaps I miss the PERFECT GUY who I thought him to be...

This is the last post for Reyansh from my side...

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